So, a little before Halloween, I got this email, mysteriously titled "Arrow Cave-Atlanta Chapter". Well, since this blog is new and I still haven't gotten around to making those S.H.A.F.T. certificates I promised, I couldn't recall having a chapter in Georgia. I was intrigued.
Luckily, Kevin Eicher was kind enough to explain:
" Mutual friend Robert Kelly recommended I share a photo of my Halloween costume with you. I hope it matches your expectations - it was based on the final "mature" Ollie costume, and even includes a (functional!) boxing-glove arrow."

That is a great costume, Kevin, and I love the arrows. But wait! Kevin not only gets to dress up as Green Arrow for Halloween, cons and parties, he actiually managed to con his wife into playing along:

Yeah, that's right, Kevin and his wife make one badass, cosplay power couple as Green Arrow and Black Canary! For that, Kevin (and Mrs. Kevin), consider yourselves officially inducted into S.H.A.F.T.- certificate pending. :)